Forget the State Senate Election: Let’s Just Get Ready to Rumble

The wee hours of November 5th cannot get here soon enough. I’m not terribly excited by the prospect of an Obama win because he’s a little scary in terms of shutting down detractors – but you know what? There’s more citizens than there are Presidents.  Bloggers alone can outnumber him.  So, screw it.  Let’s get it over with – because I can’t take much more of this Tennessee campaigning.

I’m tired of hearing about faulty primaries, improper use of PAC money, telephone harassment, lawsuits, Republican rags and other furtive pain-in-the-ass Pecksniffian tactics. And this, which I cannot avoid because it’s my district.

There are guys over at the Spit-n-Sit, who’ve engaged in good-natured verbal battles since Jimmy Carter’s first campaign, that are no longer on speaking terms. Ralph Jr. is convinced Mike Faulk should go to jail for something – which has resulted in Ralph’s cousin, who despises Mike Williams, declaring that Ralph’s wife is homely and smells funny, therefore Ralph opposes Faulk “on accounta he’s just jealouser than a hound at a steakhouse window.

And I know. I know. It’s just politics – and politics around here have always been sort of a rough and tumble sport. Shucks, downtown Rogersville is the home of at least one political rally of yesteryear where people died of gunshot wounds. So dueling TV ads from Faulk and Williams could be considered progress.  But can I confess something? On my really bitchy days, I’d prefer it if those two would just shoot at each other… or maybe finish out the campaign with a wrestling match… at high noon… on Main Street. I mean, I assume a debate is out of the question since they haven’t talked much about the issues – mostly just each other.   So, let’s get some real mud, sell tickets and hot dogs, have a cage match and make an event of it. Winner takes the senate seat and one of those huge shiny gold-electroplated Championship belts.

Hell, why not? An event like that would be well-attended, could boost the local economy and as long as neither candidate wears those skimpy Speedo “wrasslin’ panties” – it wouldn’t be any less dignified than what they’re doing now.

Officiating Local Elections: I Call A Technical Foul!

It’s no secret that State Senator Mike Williams has support from (as Tony Shipley says) “the opposition party.” Hell, he’s been endorsed by the Opposition Governor and his campaign finance reports have more opposition connections than the address book in Gray Sasser’s Blackberry.

I’ve found, however, most voters don’t give a rat’s ass about “opposition” politics. They could care less who supports Williams or what party is sending him money. They just like him. Period. End of story. As a result, the Senator has quite a bit of support from Republican and Independent voters too.

That is precisely why I found this unnecessary:

The embattled 4th District Republican state Senate nominee, Mike Faulk, doesn’t appreciate that Mark Brown, the Democratic Senate spokesman, provided a Kingsport paper with opposition research on him regarding his former legal practice:

(h/t Kleinheider)

Apparently, the document titled “A Criminal’s Best Friend” alleges Faulk worked to reduce a child molester’s jail term; helped a client get a reduced sentence and probation for driving under the influence with a 16-month-old baby in his car; and “procured probation” for an eventual career criminal who had been arrested for having 35 marijuana plants on his property.

Yes, that’s all bad and probably true… but if you’re an attorney (even one court-appointed to a criminal defendant) aren’t you obligated to provide the best defense possible for that person? Our criminal justice system guarantees a right to a fair trail: a fair trial requires competent counsel even for the bad guy, right? So, technically, if there’s anyone at fault in the cases cited, it would not be Mike Faulk – but the prosecution (whom by the way, if the cases were tried in Hawkins County would’ve have been a Democrat – jus’ sayin’.)

So, I think slamming a lawyer for defending defendants is almost as illogical as trying to smear a fireman for playing with hoses or an obstetrician for looking at cooters. I mean – it sounds bad, but it’s just part of the job. Therefore, I call a technical foul here. And I think Williams would do well to remind his supporters what the penalties are for technical fouls due to unsportsmanlike conduct.

Pantyhose, Coattails and Ramsey’s Spin

Photo by Mark DeWitte

Last week, Mike Williams skipped into town with Governor Phil Bredesen. The pair stopped by the Hale Springs Inn to officially announce a transportation enhancement grant in the amount of $168,000 for phase two of the Inn restoration project. (Jeff Bobo’s video report on the visit is here.)

A day prior to the visit, the National Rifle Association endorsed Williams… you know, despite the fact that Faulk is an active member of the Holston Valley Sportsman’s Club, long-time NRA member, former chairman of the Holston River Chapter of Ducks Unlimited and writes for several hunting and fishing publications. I assume this happened because NRA prefers incumbents or they heard Faulk exceeded um… bag limits.

Of Republican coattails, Ramsey said:

Ramsey said. “These seats are in places that McCain will do well in. We can’t depend on coattails, but you take every advantage you can get.

Uh, what advantage? There are two Presidential debates left.  Most voters will be heading to the polls angry, broke and with their gas tanks half-empty. Unless things go differently than I expect or something major changes before November 4 – state and local candidates aren’t going to ride to victory on McCain’s coattails.  They’re more likely to be strangled to death by Palin’s pantyhose.

Potluck Supper Politician

Kleinheider reported a few days ago:

Director of the Legislature’s Office of Administration Connie Fredrick confirms to Post Politics that Democratic Senators John Wilder, Jim Kyle and Doug Jackson have transferred $6000, $7,000 and $5, 000 respectively to the account of Senator Mike Williams.

Mike Williams, a former Republican, is the Senate’s lone independent member and locked in an epic reelection struggle against Republican Mike Faulk.

Mrs. J, who is a long-time Williams supporter and Post Politics reader, called on Saturday terribly upset about the news.  Apparently, (1) she didn’t get those Williams mailers and feels slighted and (2) she plans to hit the Senator with her pocketbook next time she sees him because, in her opinion, it was stupid of him to take the money.

Yeah, it was.  It gives the Republicans an opportunity to sound the “See, We Told You He’s One of Them” alarm and point out that Mike Williams is campaigning on your dime.  However, in regards to the Democratic Senators helping the Senator formerly known as a Republican: I cannot imagine why anyone would be surprised by the news.

The state senate is split 16-16-1 with Independent Williams being the wild card.  If Republicans manage to get Faulk elected to Senate, they will most likely take the majority.  Meanwhile, Democrats throughout the state of Tennessee understand they’d have a better chance of sucking Popsicles in Hell before taking the 4th District seat.  Williams, who doesn’t do the lockstep march with the party, is the best shot they’ve got at not getting steamrolled.

And Williams thought little about taking the money because he sucks at modern day politickin’.  He doesn’t think strategically.  (If he did, he would have never left the party.  He would’ve overstayed his welcome making it a  bit more difficult for the GOP to toss their full support behind Faulk.)  He doesn’t have campaign communications.  He’s not the greatest at building networks of support.  He’s never had any interest in fund raising.

Bottom line: Williams is an old-fashioned potluck supper politician, always has been and always will be.  And  in the end, no matter how nice Williams is, what he’s done, or how much we all claim to hate the big dogs, his inability to hang will likely get him porched.

Gentlemen Start Your Engines

Meeting the filing deadline by the skin of his teeth or hair on his chinny-chin-chin… er, mustache, State Senator Mike Williams (I-4) has announced his intention to seek re-election. WBIR has the story, which I found via katie @ Knox talks.

Williams, a part-time Dale Earnhardt impersonator, will be running against Church Hill attorney/favored Republican candidate Mike Faulk.

Faulk, who officially announced his candidacy last week at the Hawkins County Lincoln Day Dinner has also re-announced his candidacy for the 2,049,435,095th time via a private YouTube video.

AC Kleinheider (welcome back) and Bill Hobbs have links.

I’d post the video here, but I’m unable to view at the moment. I assume Faulk’s people will eventually make the video public… or they won’t, which means they’re probably talking trash about the Democrats or copying speeches from Hillary and don’t want Gray Sasser to find out.

Either way, Bill Hobbs says the video is nicely done, and if Bill says so, well then… eh, nevermind.  As long as Faulk isn’t dressed like the fat Elvis and doesn’t have Dueling Banjos playing in the background, how bad could it be?

I can’t wait to see how effective Williams’ covert pre-politickin’ pity stunt was…  or what direction he will go from here. The whole “those Big Bad Republicans were sooo mean to me” act can only get him so far.  Eventually, he’ll have to start talking issues.

I also wonder where he’ll raise funds for the campaign, as based on Faulk’s campaign finance reports, I think he has all the money.

Anyway, with two candidates revving up to run, the race should be quite interesting (in a reality television sort of way.)  I definitely foresee a few fistfights at the local spit-n-sit haunts.

I’ll have to remember to take my camera… and maybe a bell.

This Bears Repeating…

Betty Bean’s column in the Halls Shopper News predicts Senator Mike Williams may not be interested in racing to win his 4th district seat:

Williams, the Maynardville Republican who declared himself an Independent a year ago, is not seeking re-election. He has until April 3 to officially make up his mind, and he’s not quite making the announcement yet, but a conversation with him last week in his Nashville office made it clear that he’s had enough, at least for now.

“It’s been like a roller-coaster ride,” he said. “There are days when I want to run, and there are days when I see the system for what it really is. The system doesn’t smile on those who buck it.”

Williams, whose legislative office is decorated in a NASCAR theme and who often wears a Dale Earnhardt jacket in the Legislative Plaza, began to run afoul of party brass in 2004, when Republicans gained control of the Senate by a one-seat margin.[…]

Last March 14, he declared himself an Independent.
What drove him to that?

“The combination of seeing people in elected office say one thing publicly and get to Nashville and act 100 percent opposite,”’ Williams said. “I caught heat for voting for last year’s budget. Not one Republican voted for it in our area, but my school systems got badly needed extra money. I voted for the cigarette tax, too, and it funded a regional trauma center here in East Tennessee. These are life and death realities, and I voted the best interests of my people – not my party.”

Williams feels that he was singled out for punishment because he is from a rural area and more vulnerable to outside pressure than legislators from urban counties.

“They culled me from the herd and used me as a whipping post. They never reached out to me at all.”

This treatment started early, and Williams says that former GOP party chair Bob Davis attempted to discourage him from running in the first place, but had to acquiesce when the preferred candidate backed out of running.

“A few weeks later, I’m looking across the table at him knowing he didn’t want me there,”’ Williams said.

“This is my 18th year here, and I just believe in doing what’s best for my district. I fought a Republican governor (Don Sundquist) on the income tax, and I was seen as a rebel.

“Sundquist has already endorsed Mike Faulk (a trial lawyer from Church Hill who has been running for the 4th District Senatorial seat for two years). From every indication I can see, I can win – I just don’t know if I want to.

I was raised by wonderful parents who taught me right from wrong, and to never think you’re better than anyone else. I guess the fact that I don’t let people put strings on me is my biggest problem. I’ve got no regrets.”’

Just yesterday, the Steel Magnolia  gave me the what’s for after I poked fun @ Senator Mike Williams for impersonating Dale and playing in the parking garage (which I still think is southern comedy at its finest.)Folks, I’ll be honest. Getting called out on your blog by the town’s most highly respected Steel Magnolia is sorta like having your Mama snatch you up by your shirt collar and drag you off toward the woodshed. You know you’re in big trouble… and you might even deserve it.

She reminded me that Williams has brought boatloads of money into Hawkins County over the years and points out he’s precious and adored. She also blames the polarized-nature of politics for the tidal wave on the verge of knocking Williams from his seat.

After all, it’s no secret this district is a Republican stronghold or that the GOP has wanted rid of Mike for years. Whereas he calls himself a Rebel: they call him a loose cannon. Unfortunately, prior to `07, their hands were tied.  Turning on their own would have made folks suspect they also eat their young. However, when Williams pulled his infamous “You Ain’t the Boss of Me GOP” move and parted ways with the party, three very significant things happened: (1) he lost a huge block of party-line voters, (2) he lost GOP money and (3) he placed a huge proverbial neon “Kick Me” sign on his back.

With politics being such as they are, Williams became fair game. Consequently, anything Mike Williams does, which can be called into question, will be. If he asks the special interest groups for money, you will know. If the Dems contribute to his campaign, you will know. If he consorts with the “enemy,” says something stupid, votes the wrong way, buys name brand toilet paper for the office instead of generic or picks his nose in the parking lot, you will know.

Both parties use these targeted attacks for a reason – because they work. Voters base their decisions on what information is out there. In fact, if you’ve been reading this blog over the past year, you’d know – many already have. And while Williams has done any number of benign and comedic things to make matters worse, the one thing he has not done is reach out to his voters. Whether by personal appearance, via the press, a website, a letter, email, skywriting or some other form of communication: Williams hasn’t talked about where he stands on various issues. He hasn’t told us what this new Independent Mike Williams stands for or what values he has.  He hasn’t told us much at all. Maybe he assumes we should already know: but voters do not work this way.

We’re forgetful, fickle, tight-fisted and easily lured away by Republicans with guns.

So, yeah, I call it in favor of Faulk. Not just because Williams had been sufficiently knocked down but because he never bothered to come back up swinging.


Jerry Clower Couldn’t Even Make This Stuff Up

East Tennessee is a little nutty. We all know this. Perhaps this has something to do with the fact we’re less likely than others to lock our crazy relatives in the attic and more likely to elect them to office. Whatever the reason is, things happen here you probably would not encounter anywhere else in the world – at least not on such a regular basis.

Honestly, crazy is a constant condition in this neck of the woods. Shucks, my tiny hometown has made the Tonight Show w/ Jay Leno show twice: once for the beer run and once for the drunken stationary bike rider.

Now, after you’ve lived here for awhile, you adapt. You accept folks shooting red light cameras or assaulting each other with pork products as routine occurrences. And it takes a whole lot of crazy to raise your eyebrows.

But yesterday, my eyebrows were raised so high I gave myself a headache.

Perhaps it’s because I stumbled across insanity in places where I least expected to find it or maybe it was the accumulation of crazy that got to me…

See, first I discovered by way of Michael Silence that Elvis has endorsed Obama and bootlegging is making a comeback. This information alone is not so bad. In fact, it could inspire a half-decent Southern Rock song.

But then, I stumbled across the news that one of our more controversial state lawmakers, Representative Stacey Campfield, may have a challenger for the House’s 18th District seat. This challenger would be Ron Leadbetter, associate general counsel at the University of Tennessee. In 2000, Leadbetter filed two lawsuits against UT and then-President J. Wade Gilley alleging that Gilley discriminated against white men by hiring and promoting less-qualified women and minorities.

Finally, (and this craziness hits a bit closer to home) there was this in the Tennessean:

When state Sen. Mike Williams wants peace and quiet, he takes the stairs down to the Legislative Plaza parking garage, where a wide desk and a high-backed chair are wedged into a strip of concrete next to a bank of fans.

He heads to the makeshift office, he said, when he needs refuge from the General Assembly’s chaotic traffic of lobbyists and lawmakers. The office-away-from-the-office — not quite in the legislature, but not quite outside it, either — is emblematic in some ways of Williams’ status in the Senate, where he is the only independent in the body otherwise evenly split between Democrats and Republicans.”

My senator leaves his office to play in the garage? He has a desk by his parking space. That’s not crazy at all, right?

So, is it official now? Can we just change our district from #4 to #BR549?

Or maybe we ask Elvis if he approves first?