I’m Forming the “Other” Team

Bill Hobbs has his own snail-mail troll: and it is none other than Rev. George Brooks of Murfreesboro.

Brooks gained notoriety earlier this year for circulating fliers claiming that “Memphis Congressman Steve Cohen and the Jews Hate Jesus.” (Brooks is a Tinker supporter, although he doesn’t actually live in the district.) Brooks’ family in Memphis quickly distanced themselves from the crazy-cousin and threw their support behind Cohen.

Now, the cousin (who is also an Obama supporter) is playing pen pal with Hobbs (a Republican blogger and the TN GOP communications director) and you’ve just got to go read the letter.

Along with some rantings about the Black Jesus, gay Congressmen and Steve Cohen, Brooks also says if the whites in the Tennessee GOP continue to talk against blacks in politics and religion, he and many others are prepared to play the dozens.

Bottom Line: the guy has got more problems than a math book.

And if this were a battle between anti-semitic, homophobic loons and the normal people, considering that I occasionally vote Republican, am offended by Brooks and feel the need to defend Steve Cohen, who is also Newscoma‘s political boyfriend – I’d volunteer to go in as a ringer.

(See, ya’ll might not know this – but playing the dozens is one of my special talents. Growing up, holding your own in verbal sparring matches was a necessary skill. I later honed this skill by participating in competitive sports and after ten years of marriage, I could go pro – if there was such a thing.

Trust me, I’ve got more “You so ugly… ” and “Yo’ Mama” jokes than a fish has got scales – and I’ve never played the dozens with a so-called preacher before.)

BUT here’s the problem: Brooks indicated this was a white v. black thing, and I don’t fit either one of those categories. So… how about I start the “Other” team and trash talk to both sides.

You know like: “Barack Obama is so skinny, he makes his Senate record look like a copy of War and Peace. John McCain is so old, there’s a picture of Jesus in his high school yearbook. Barack Obama is so slippery, duct tape won’t stick. And: the TN GOP is so dirty, they were once banned from the sewage plant for fear they’d contaminate the place.

Hey, will I be getting a trophy for this?

9 thoughts on “I’m Forming the “Other” Team

  1. Pingback: ‘Dependent Dirty Dozens : Post Politics: Political News and Views in Tennessee

  2. Heh…

    The GOP is so dirty I called their offices for phone sex and got an ear infection.

    The Democrats are so stupid they though Roe vs. Wade was a decision about crossing the river.

    This is fun. 😛

  3. Pingback: Your Politics Are So Stupid | Hear ItFrom.Us

  4. Ooh! Those are good.

    Republicans are so clueless they think “proletariat” is fancy imported cheese.

    Democrats are so clueless they thought Free Market was any store with a “Food Stamps Welcome Here” sign.

  5. Bill Hobbs, old pal, here’s my final note because my son of Hollywood and I will soon be setting up a black newspaper in Memphis, which some of my cousins will be involved with. (surprise) Man, have they been making a fool out of you, Bill. But I did just want to say a thing or two about one blogger saying that he or she did not fit into either of the black or white races. Poor soul, whether or not you know your present race, you should always remember that this: Blacks were the original people on God’s earth, and that even whites are descended from blacks. The Adam and Eve of the Bible, who supposedly lived about 6,000 years ago, are NOT the true Adam and Eve, because blacks have been in this world for well over two million years. Even the blacks of Australia (the Aborigines) have been there for about 50,000 years. So you have a degree or two of black somewhere in your genes, and I’m sure of recent centuries also, via one way or the other. Ancient black bones have even been discovered throughout Asia, and some folks in Scotland trace their decendency to Africa. But keep it quiet “O ye of little knowledge,” Take care Bill, and so long.

  6. Who ever this chicken hiding in the hen house is, with this website, this is Rev. George Brooks, simply writing to say that you are really behind time with your news. I’ve written so much stuff about the anti-Jesus Jews, who killed the Christ, since this stuff that you are displaying, that I had forgotten all about your postings here. And if you ever decide to come out of hiding and give me a mailing address, I’ll be glad to put you on my mailing list to start receiving the several different newsletters that we publish, and the still-hot fliers that are also mailed all across the nation. Including one about “Israel’s own Hitler,” and “The Jews have no right to Israel, and “The lies of Steve Cohen and the Jewish dominated Media.” And many others. — Rev. George Brooks of Murfreesboro, TN.

  7. Who ever this chicken hiding in the hen house is, with this website, this is Rev. George Brooks, simply writing to say that you are really behind time with your news. I’ve written so much stuff about the anti-Jesus Jews, who killed the Christ, since this stuff that you are displaying, that I had forgotten all about your postings here. And if you ever decide to come out of hiding and give me a mailing address, I’ll be glad to put you on my mailing list to start receiving the several different newsletters that we publish, and the still-hot fliers that are also mailed all across the nation. Including one about “Israel’s own Hitler,” and “The Jews have no right to Israel,” and “The lies of Steve Cohen and the Jewish dominated Media.” And many others. — Rev. George Brooks of Murfreesboro, TN.

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