Protesters say Davis is a Doggone Shame

A small group of sign-carrying protesters tried Thursday evening to draw attention to U.S. Rep. David Davis’ vote against federal dogfighting legislation during the congressman’s biggest fund-raiser of the year at Bristol Motor Speedway.Inside BMS’ air-conditioned Bruton Smith Building, more than 300 Davis supporters either paid $1,000 for a “Starter Lap” or $100 for a “Final Lap” at the fund-raising reception.

In front of BMS next to Volunteer Parkway, protesters standing in searing temperatures approaching 100 degrees displayed signs reading “Dogfighters Love Davis” and “David Davis’ Vote Is A Doggone Shame.”

More from Times-News.

3 thoughts on “Protesters say Davis is a Doggone Shame

  1. Pingback: Volunteer Voters » Dogfightin’ Davis

  2. The Animal Fighting Prohibition Enforcement Act was supported by more than 400 separate U.S. law enforcement agencies and passed in the U.S. Senate with a 100% vote.

    David Davis was the ONLY member of Tennessee’s congressional delegation to vote against this bill.

    His excuse? Tennessee already had a law against dogfighting. Davis said, “I love dogs, but I love the Constitution of the United States more.”

    Although animal fighting is prohibited by state laws from coast to coast, it is estimated that there are at least 40,000 professional dogfighters in the United States.

    Dogfighting isn’t just an East Tennessee problem. It’s a national problem, and it requires a national response.

    This isn’t about usurping state’s rights or expanding the power of the federal government.
    This is about local, state, and federal law enforcement working together to bring down organized criminal dogfighting rings to protect our families and communities.

    It takes a cheap and cynical coward to cower behind the United States Constitution as a political fig-leaf. This was a bad vote based on bad judgment and a true embarrassment for the people of East Tennessee.

    David Davis Defended Dogfighters and gave criminals a free-pass. Now, that’s a doggone shame!

  3. i am the vegitarian, artsy-fartsy, music-making david davis, and i am nearly ashamed to be named david davis due to this cowardly ass-ugly jerk’s buturing of my name. go find your own name, you jerk.

    – the better david davis

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